I know that you can dl M$ software from BB, to run on your servers. But, I have not played with a BB yet?
Some web sited have, mobile phone, BB, iPhone, versions for their pages...Just trying to get a handle on the various
What make, each family different, pros/cons, and software apps
I guess the questions are;
1) is there Linux software/solutions to running software for the BB other than a virtual machine?
2) what general gains to you achieve by using a BB?(you always hear them called crackberries, etc)
Apparently, you may read word & excel data files? Sync contacts/appointments and use an exchange server?
Can you auto backup/sync to your servers?
3) Can you stream video onto this device from a standard web link? Does the video have to be sized just for this
unit or will the units auto size?
What has caused my interest, is that Metro now carries the BB 9330 for $50 or $60/month. The extra 10 is for BB server running. I see no explanation for what a BB server is. Can I run this on my servers(I can download the software for M$), but in Linux version? I enjoy my Z6m, but it is just short of a "tool". It's a good phone as such, but it is frustrating as a web device/tool. Issues with the really "tool type" devices such as BB and iPhones are that certain carries handle them, only. The monthly charges, tend to make them not practical. Over the next year or two, my information is that the basic moble industry is going away from contracts and to more or less universal phones that will interchanged providers. You will simply change your card and be on another carrier. So, you may have some local unlimited plan, and some other carrier for national or international service. This tends to me common overseas in certain countries. Certainly, this type of topic is going to pick up steam
As always thanks for the info, and help....