
Saturday, November 13 2010 - using openvpn


  • 7 people attended the meeting
  • David Miller gave a presentation on using openvpn
  • The group discussed assigning responsibilities among group members.
  • The group discussed whether to use a more formal structure or not, no consensus was reached.



  • 10:00am setup
  • 10:30 Main Presentation - Using openvpn
  • 11:30 Other Group business
  • Presentation

    Using openvpn

    Using openvpn we can use an untrusted network like the Internet to connect trusted parts of our own private network.

    This presentation will cover basic concepts of IP networking like addressing and routing. We will also cover several openvpn use cases, including connecting two networks and connecting a single client to a remote network.

    Non-traditional methods of connecting to the vpn, through dns tunneling or through the tor network will be discussed.


    Saturday, October 9 2010 - Informal session


    • 9 people were in attendance
    • 3 people spontaneously brought a dozen donuts each, leading to a dangerous donut surplus
    • Terry Henderson gave an informal presentation on some differences between apache and apache2 configurations
    • David Miller mentioned that he made a post on the forum about screencasting
    • Dave McCrumb and Terry attempted to get a network card working

    Saturday, September 11 2010 meeting - Drupal


    • 10 people attended the meeting
    • The meeting was opened with a moment of silence and prayer in remembrance of 9/11
    • David Miller gave his presentation on Drupal
    • Dave McCrumb demonstrated a Ubuntu 10.004 LTS installation

    Presentation Notes

    A screencast was made of the presentation.


    times approximate

    • 10am Setup
    • 10:30 Main Presentation - Introduction to Drupal by David Miller
    • 11:30 Hands on Drupal experimentation
    • 12:00 Discussion of the next meeting and other group bussiness

    Main Presentation

    Introduction to Drupal

    Drupal is a widely used open source content management system for the world wide web.  Many high profile organizations such as the Onion, Second Life, and NASA use drupal to build their web applications.

    Drupal's open source core and modular architecture has spawned an extremely active developer community, creating a profusion of modules which extend the functionality of Drupal.

    This profusion of activity means that Drupal is sometimes a hard project to understand because of the classic problem of "not seeing the forest through the trees"

    In my presentation I will give a brief overview of the components of drupal and some popular modules.  I will show how drupal is installed and configured and allow members to experiment their own fresh install of drupal. I will also show the group several books I have obtained on drupal and remark on which ones I like.




    Saturday, August 14, 2010 meeting - 64 bit multilib on Slackware

    This meeting featured discussions on using 32 bit software on a 64 bit system and creating dvd slideshows.

    Read more...


    Saturday, July 10 2010 meeting - Exploring network traffic

    Presentation Notes

    A screencast of the presentation is available at

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