1) Take the credit card number and double every other digit, starting with the first one
2) Add up the 16 numbers in the credit card number to get a sum
3) If the sum is divisible by 10, its a valid credit card number
Also, the first number tells you what company the card is from.
- Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/env python
def LuhnCheck(CCnumber):
"""Uses a Luhn check to determine the validity of a credit card number(CCnumber must be submitted as a string)"""
for num in range(16):
if num%2==0:#in this case, if item is odd
double=int(CCnumber[num])+int(CCnumber[num])#double the number
#take the number "double" and add the digits together
#i.e.: 10 becomes 1, 12 becomes 3, etc...
for c in str(double):
#otherwise, just add double to the test result
if testResult%10==0: #if testResult is divisible by ten, it is valid
print "This is a valid credit card number!\n"
#Now, lets find out what company makes the card...
if companyNum==3:
print "The Company attached to this card is American Express."
elif companyNum==4:
print "The Company attached to this card is Visa."
elif companyNum==5:
print "The Company attached to this card is MasterCard."
elif companyNum==6:
print "The Company attached to this card is Discover."
print "The Company attached to this card is Unknown."
print "This is a fake credit card number."
Happy coding!