We learned much, the website will be built/converted to joomla according to randy and terry. Several new color schemes were proposed. I liked and think it would be easy to do black/white/green. We could have a linux penguin lying down with big letters across the top FWLUG in green, size of the icon variable so as to be easily put anywhere. Sounds like there is no storage space for the group so if I create a repository/iso box, I'll have to lug it to every meeting. An alternative meeting time was presented, maybe starting at 10am instead of 1pm. To me it doesn't really matter I'll just have to wake up a little earlier. At $3.50 to $4.50 for the morning breakfasts from 8a to 10a they don't sound too bad, mostly meat but I think they could modify a bit for a vegatarian, lacto/ovo. The wiring job they talked about last month didn't really materialize. Turns out the president already has a wire in her office. There was another computer problem they mentioned but some relative of a member was going to address that with Internet/LAN over Power. We'll see.