Having each of us speak could take a while...
However, what if we just had volunteers that are willing to cover an app in 5 or 10 minutes? All we need to do is say something like "I prefer AppA over AppB because of these reasons..."
It will be enough time for someone to introduce an app that they use frequently and would like to share with the group, but not so much time that they have to do a full presentation/installation/configuration. Should one of the apps get a lot of attention, then making that into a future presentation would be easy.
I think that would be a great idea. In fact, I will volunteer to give a 5 minute presentation right now!
As for the categories:
Backups - Tar/gz & rsync
Blog - I don't
CMS - OpenGoo
Collaboration tools - OpenGoo / MediaWiki
Doc Management - OpenGoo
Web publishing - vi (sometimes for bigger projects I will use gedit or eclipse)
eCommerce - I don't
Compliance - I prefer a baseball bat, but will settle for a giant power supply with long cords I can hold on to. Oh wait. You mean compliance testing, huh? In that case, depends on the situation.
CRM, PRM, ERP - I try to avoid the customers like the plague...
Data Integration-importation - depends on the situation
Expenses Tracking - In-house/company built.
FAQ edition and publishing - vi. That or I toss it up onto my wiki / OpenGoo.
Firewall - Smoothwall. However, looking for an alternative.
Form Processors (single or multi-pages) - OpenOffice.org
Forum - phpBB
Integration Adapters Technology - depends on the situation.
Issue tracking systems - OpenGoo
Live Chat - Forum - Pidgin
Managed learning environment - VMWare
Messaging - Pidgin
Monitoring - Zabbix
Office - OpenOffice.org
Payroll - In-house
PBX & PBX GUI's - don't at this time. However, with as many people in our group who use it for home AND work it won't surprise me to see a lot of votes for Asterisk.
Project - OpenGoo
Proposals / Quotations - OpenOffice.org
Remote admin - SSH
Reporting - Zabbix
Social Networking - FWLUG? (seriously, I really dislike most of the facespace/mybook sites but if you are wanting to start/create one I have heard good things about Insoshi [
http://portal.insoshi.com/ ] and here is big list of others [
http://www.vivalogo.com/vl-resources/op ... ftware.htm ].
Survey - vi
Synchronization Tools - To what? Time? ntpd/ntpdate. To the iPod? Rockbox. Maybe I am missing the point of this one...
Testing (web application testing) - A guy named Phil (Honest!)
Text Search () - grep?
Time & Attendance - OpenGoo
Video Conference - i don't.
Virtual Machines - VMWare and qemu.
Web conferencing - I have used WebEX and GoToMeeting. Both are required for my job. GoToMeeting is nice but unfortunately has no Linux client.
WebEX has a Linux client, but it isn't full featured.
Webmail - gmail
Workflow BPM - OpenGoo