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Why BACKUP? Asteroid electromagnetic interference?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:39 pm
by TexWebslinger
A friendly reminder to backup your data and, power down what you might be able too, on Tuesday Jan 29th 2008...Sometimes that "manual" backups get lacks..
What is TU24?

TU24 is an asteroid headed our way on January 29, 2008 . It's the largest potentially hazardous asteroid for the next 19 years.

Although the chances of a direct impact are nearly non-existent, there is a much greater chance that there will be a degree of electromagnetic interference as TU24 traverses Earth's magnetosphere in the manner of Tunguska 100 years ago. Here's what scientists think of plasma discharge (or "magnetic reconnection"). You can also download the NASA video.

There could possibly be an even higher chance of electromagnetic interference occuring on Mars on Jan. 30 as asteroid WD5 approaches it, making for some interesting celestial effects.

Re: Why BACKUP? Asteroid electromagnetic interference?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:30 pm
by glevans2
And I thought you were using a BOFH reference....


Re: Why BACKUP? Asteroid electromagnetic interference?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:17 pm
by Davemon
The sad thing really. We know less than half of the NEO objects (Near Earth Orbit).

We could get hit at any time with no notice.

Been fun hangin with ya'll
